Membrane solutions in the dairy industry

Our membrane filtration technology offers various opportunities to create sustainable dairy processes, extract valuable components and optimize production processes.

Select and optimize the right
Concentrate, fractionate and
Optimize production processes

Dairy membrane filtration solutions

The dairy industry is always working on developing new products and optimizing their processes. Membrane technology plays a key role as the state of the art technology in a wide variety of applications. Wafilin Systems processing solutions meet these needs and upcoming challenges of the dairy industry.

Membrane filtration technology offers various opportunities to create more sustainable dairy processes, extract valuable components and optimize production processes.

Benefits for the dairy industry

  • Fractionate into valuable components
  • Concentrate to reduce C02 footprint
  • Enhancement of product quality
  • Improvement of productivity and efficiency
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Brine filtration

Brining is a key step in cheese production, while also adding both flavour and shelf life. The problem is that for every gram of salt that ends up in the cheese, the cheese loses two grams of water, resulting in excess brine. Traditional membrane filtration enables cheese makers to return the brine to its original state, but does not reduce the excess.

We have succesfully developed BRINEX: an all-in-one brine reuse solution. With BRINEX, cheese factories can reuse brine and reduce this excess. This greatly lowers transport and waste water treatment costs. The solution combines microfiltration with a unique evaporation technology.


Milk concentration, fractionation and skimming

Wafilin Systems is your partner for milk concentration, fractionation and skimming. We have wide experience in processing of a variety of milk types and sources: cow milk, goat milk, whole milk and skimmed milk.

One special application developed by Wafilin Systems is raw milk concentration at the farm. Milk concentration at the farm offers several benefits: lower transport volume, reuse of water, more dry matter, lower energy consumption and faster processing time at the dairy plant.

Read more about concentrating milk at the farm.


Whey protein recovery and concentration

Whey, a by-product of cheese-making, contains a mixture of proteins with useful nutritional properties. We apply membrane technology to extract these valuable ingredients from the whey.

Ultrafiltration (UF) is the most common filtration technology for processing whey into high-quality whey protein concentrates (WPC). The UF process separates the lactose and minerals from the protein and then concentrates it. This enables us to control the protein to dry matter ratio (WPC) by concentrating the whey in different levels. If higher-quality WPC is required, we use additional techniques like defiltration to wash more lactose and minerals out of the protein.


Reuse of treated process water

During milk and whey processing, large volumes of water are released. As water is a vital and limited resource practically throughout the entire dairy industry, its reuse essential. Our reverse osmosis (RO) technology is used to remove water from whey or milk. The extracted water can be upgraded for reuse purposes for example cleaning or in other process steps.

In addition to whey processing, our membrane filtration solutions can also be used for other valuable process flows, such as purifying condensate and CIP streams for reuse as process water. This closes the water cycle and boosts the sustainability of your processes.


Our project highlights

Sustainable alternative for protein recovery in starch processing.

Read more

Membrane system applied in fermentation processes.

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Together with Wafilin Systems, we have been able to reduce our operational costs considerably without having to make concessions on the quality of our product.

Vural Aktürk Deputy Director at Özgazi